
Setup Craft CMS

  1. Install the Gridsome Nogn plugin
  2. Enable the GraphQL endpoint in config/routes.php
  3. Use the Nogn UI to connect to the Gridsome site, and select the sections to enable live preview

Gridsome steps

  1. gridsome create my-new-site - Create a gridsome site

  2. cd my-new-site - Go in the folder

  3. yarn add @nogn/gridsome-source-craft - Install the source plugin

  4. Add the plugin config to the gridsome.config.js file (swaping for your endpoint):

    module.exports = {
      plugins: [
          use: '@nogn/gridsome-source-craft',
          options: {
            url: '',
            livePreview: process.env.CRAFT_LIVE_PREVIEW || false, // Use false in production
  5. create a .env file with CRAFT_LIVE_PREVIEW=true

  6. Boot up the local server yarn develop (this will then be available at http://localhost:8080)

  7. Check the Gridsome GraphQL explorer to confirm the craft data is there (http://localhost:8080/___explore)

Congratulations. NOGN is ready 🎉.

Now see how to setup templates using the Craft content.